17 Agu 2010

pee it second

Some Fashion Quotes For Some ppl who Need it....lol :
* Sexy is not About minis Or tights its about being Comfy in your outfit
* Fashion is like the ID it makes you desire things u shouldn't 
* Fashion can be bought, style one must possess
* Stylish is when you resist to wear a trend at the 'it' time, when you do, its just common
* Dont try too hard to follow fashion because fashion is always changing
* Trend are Turns, Go check what was in when you were born
* Fashion is not something that exist in dresses only, Fashion its in the sky or in the street, Fashion has to do    with ideas the way we live and what is happening 

Yupsssss thats all Folk for the Fashion Quotes that i got....lol...even im stil figure it out...hahahaha

Pee it First

My ReaL name Adeenda Nurghia EveRybody caLL me deenda..Thats My Name..my moM from West Sumatra and My Dad frOm Holland i Stand up For My seLf and My beLiefs, i sPeak My miNd and Think My owN thoUghts, or do Thinks My way, i woNt aLLow anyoNe to steP on me, so im Basically Just an Average girL, and u Can see mY hair never gOes The way i want it to Go, My RooM caNt sTay cLean For More Than a day..... i always Smile Like NotHing Wrong...TalK LIke eveRythIng PerFect...acT Like iTs JusT a DreaM aNd PreTend Theres Nothing Can HurtiNg Me.........